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Name: Ghostkit
Gender: Intersex (Xe[he/she], xem[him/her], Xyr and                 xyrs[his/hers], xemself[himself/herself])

Short Description: A creme, brown, and coffee                                           tortoiseshell hermaphrodite with                                   heterochromatic eyes of brown                                       and light blue

Traits: Very androgynous voice and features, semi-                 long fur, webbed paws

Personality: apprehensive, humble, cowardly, sentimental, easily put down,                      timid, shy, understanding

Parents: Ghoul (outsider, father); Deerwing (Riverclan, mother)

Age: 3 moons





Deerwing is somewhat distant to Ghostkit and only ever interacts with xem when the kit is instigating or nagging. Despite this, Ghostkit still absolutely adores xyr mother.


Adoptive Brother


Fawnpaw tries to keep Ghostkit in like where Deerwing fails, but it's hard work for the apprentice who already has so much on his plate. Ghostkit likes when Fawnpaw comes and plays with xem. Right now, though, Ghostkit isn't talking to Fawnpaw because Fawnpaw made xem go meet a bunch of scary cats. If your cat finds out about this, feel free to have them come berate Fawnpaw! The siblings must reunite and Deerwing is very bad at this!




Reedpaw is the first non-family cat to approach Ghostkit and willingly talk to xem. Xe is forever grateful.




She's nice, but xe isn't all too sure about her. She does seem to mean well, though.




Twigpaw is scary! Ghostkit doesn't understand why Fawnpaw hangs out with him so much!


Proceed with caution!


Ghostkit was forced to come meet this cat and xe is now scarred... Ghostkit still might warm up to this cat, though...


Proceed with caution!


Ghostkit was forced to come meet this cat and xe is now scarred... Ghostkit still might warm up to this cat, though...


Proceed with caution!


Ghostkit was forced to come meet this cat and xe is now scarred... Ghostkit still might warm up to this cat, though...


Proceed with caution!


Ghostkit was forced to come meet this cat and xe is now scarred... Ghostkit still might warm up to this cat, though...


Proceed with caution!


Ghostkit was forced to come meet this cat and xe is now scarred... Ghostkit still might warm up to this cat, though...

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